Low life in high heels?

I think it was the painter Francis Bacon who pointed out that the high life without the low life is impossible. I don´t know exactly what he meant but since it´s no secret that he was into heavy drinking, sadomasochistic sex and liked the company of London´s bohemia, all the while flush with cash, I think I get the picture. Being a proud nihilist and feeling that life was essentially meaningless, we should all have a good time according to him.

How I define the high life? Luxury hotels, starred restaurants, fine wines and exotic destinations for sure. Envisioning the low life, idle days spent boozing from noon onwards in an insalubrious part of town spring to mind. This probably makes you wonder where sex for money falls into. Basically, all pay-sex outside of Daphne´s falls under the category low life. Without exception, this is especially the case for our competitors.

Joking aside, “low life in high heels” actually is the title of a song by the American hard-rock band Cheap Trick. Not that I am a fan of the group but it conjured up the image of a Daphne´s escort making her entrance into a fine hotel in fur and with high heels. For the record, I don´t consider being a high-priced prostitute a lowly activity but I understand why the agency will not receive the Federal Cross of Merit. No selfie with Frau Merkel for Daphne.

Personally, I also enjoy or rather enjoyed the low and high life, with nothing in between. Everything in the middle appeared to me as mediocre and dull. The high life symbolized the aristocratic way of living where aesthetics are important and only the best will do. There was more life though to its opposite, with its proletarian tastes and penchant for abundancy. All senses had to be tickled more in order to be satisfied. It was also closer to reality, with its dark abysses which are not always pleasant.

All that to let you know that soon we will have a new category in this blog, inspired by the Spectator´s “Low Life” and “High Life” column. That British magazine is the oldest continuously published magazine in the English language. Currently the “Low Life” column is penned by Jeremy Clarke. It is contrasted with its “High Life” pendant by the wealthy socialite Taki Theodoracopulos, known as “Taki.” When the latter got caught with cocaine and wanted to hand in his resignation, the editor explained publicly that the magazine expected their High Life columnist to be high some of the time…

Marquess of Queensberry rules

In case these rules may be unknown to you, don´t worry, dear reader. You are not alone. I am middle-aged and an avid reader but up until last month, I never came across them.

According to Wikipedia, the Marquess of Queensberry rules is a code of generally accepted regulations in the boxing sport. They are named after John Douglas, 9th Marquess of Queensberry, whom publicly endorsed the code, although written by the sportsman John Graham Chambers. Those guidelines most directly influenced modern boxing. The Queensberry rules e.g. were the first to mention gloves in boxing. In popular culture the term is sometimes used to refer to a sense of sportsmanship and fair play.

When I came across the Queensberry rules, it reminded me of those I had encountered on the website of a now defunct brothel. I am not talking about the ubiquitous FAQ´s where you are advised to have a shower before your encounter, to treat the lady the way you want to be treated etc.… We trust we don´t have to explain to our clients what etiquette is.

No, the aforementioned house of ill-repute gave tips in order not to be caught out. Some of them made me smile. Following now is a compilation of the best:

1/ Telephone as betrayer. Never make calls from home, when the usual partner is present.

2/ Stay as you are. Don´t change your behaviour at all. Nothing is more suspicious than a new clothing style, shabby hair, a different perfume, etc.

3/ Trying out new sex variations. Or how to explain that new sudden thirst for action?

4/ Check your clothes for strange stray pieces of hair.

5/ Never ever reveal your little secret; nobody is allowed to know it. This is also valid for your best friend and when you are intoxicated!

6/ Don´t boast about your trysts. Nobody must know you are a stallion!

7/ Take a shower after intercourse! Pay attention to smell of massage oil. Take a sample of your Eau de Toilette with you. A smoky bar can also do the trick.

8/ Don´t overindulge your partner with presents and attention out of a bad conscience.

9/ Make sure you don´t get caught speeding in areas you don´t frequent. “Darling, today there was a letter in the mail. You were speeding. Why were you there?”.….

10/ And finally: the false name at the false moment…

So, in case you were thinking of booking an escort with us, but were afraid to be found out; no more excuses. Just make sure that your current partner can´t hear you make the booking!

Berlin Woman

“A country without bordellos is like a house without bathrooms.”

Marlene Dietrich

An Italian once told me that the Berlin woman smokes, drinks and cheats like the Italian man. I tend to concur. Feminism and religion might have played a role but I believe that the Berlin woman is indeed a bit less feminine in her behaviour than women in the south of Europe. It suffices to think of Marlene Dietrich, queen of androgyny. You probably knew that she was born in Berlin but did you also know that she used to box? Or how about that other Berliner Leni Riefenstahl, the first female movie director to receive international acclaim.

They certainly are less defined by their partner than women from Southern Europe. The “Berlinerinnen” also tend to be very independent and don´t need a man since they are more than capable of taking care of themselves, not only financially. I also find them much less demanding than e.g. women in London where even a five expects to be wined and dined. All the money over there really corrupted them. On the other hand, I kind of understand them. If you spend an hour dolling yourself up and spending a decent amount of money on your appearance and afterwards get invited to a mediocre restaurant followed by a couple of drinks in the pub around the corner… In Berlin on the other hand, we have “arm aber sexy” or “poor but sexy”.

Lookswise, they either wear hardly any make-up or overdo it. On the whole, I find them very attractive but they would be even more beautiful if they would take care of them as well as the French women. Then again, why should they since they don´t get chatted up on every occasion like in Paris.

What struck me immediately though was the morphology of our nowadays Valkyries. Berlin women, according to me, being tall with small breasts, are blessed with the perfect body. This is of course my subjective view.

Last but not least, how do they score in the sack? The inhabitants of the German capital are sexual liberated to say the least. The way some of them have sex can be compared to playing sports. Bed sports but exercise nonetheless. If you don´t believe me, book one of the Daphne´s escorts and see for yourself.

European decadence

I personally don´t consider paid sex in the higher strata of the profession immoral. When I decided to start Daphne´s with my business partner, what bothered me more was whether it was a sign of a decadent society and if yes, if I should contribute to the further erosion of the nation´s morals. According to me, prostitution is not degenerate as long as we are not talking about Berlin during the Weimar period where underage girls and boys where bought for a pittance.

At that time, Berlin was indeed Babylon-on-the-Spree. What I found interesting is that Berliners were not only looking for sex then but that it had to be accompanied with something else. The most frequent themes were danger, power or death. Rest assured all the escorts are at least 21 years old and although they are open for a lot, they all respect their boundaries.

According to me there is no doubt that Europe is the grip of decadence with the possible exception of Germany. What about the conspicuous display of richness, raising inequality, the possibility and willingness to live off a bloated welfare state and last but not least an unhealthy obsession with sex? If that doesn´t convince you, maybe voyeuristic shows like Big Brother and Frauentausch, the adulation of cooks and stars might make you think again. Or the large scale immigration of non-western foreigners? Jeff Koons and designer clothes for dogs anyone? I might be wrong but maybe decadence is like a financial bubble. You only realize afterwards that you were in bubble territory.

A healthy libido for me is on the other hand, is a sign of vitality. Since time immemorial, powerful men have made use of concubines, mistresses and temporary lovers. Paid sex will always exist as long as people age. It´s a well-known fact that older men often prefer much younger women. Who doesn´t want to relive his youth? What it boils down to it the exchange of money against juvenescence and beauty and there will always be a market for that, not only on the demand side as some feminists would like you to believe.

Aren´t men allowed to have some fun if this keeps the marriage together and doesn´t enrich the divorce lawyers. Isn´t it beneficial for the off-spring if frequenting escorts from time to time keeps the family together? Hence my verdict that paying for companionship is actually healthy for society. I don´t want to bring up the old saw that otherwise there would be more sexual delicts but also that validates my conclusion.

Cabaret, Berlin

Dear friends,
Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome!
 This time not to the cabaret but to Daphne´s world.

I am telling you ladies and gentlemen, Berlin is back. Not in such a decadent mood as in her heydays in the twenties though. Today she is slowly but steadily becoming virtuous. Almost…

In order to help stave off Berlin becoming too bland and disneyfied, we created a world where gentlemen can still be men and indulge their phantasies and satiate their desires. The escorts on the other side, type pretty girl next door, look forward to interesting encounters.

We don´t like fatuous expressions like High-Class, VIP or luxurious escort, but if you have to attach a label to our core activity, we would like you to remember your trysts as “Girlfriend experiences”. It goes without saying that Daphne´s doesn´t stand for a mere Berlin escort agency but that we see ourselves as part of the relax industry and as extension of the services an upscale hotel offers. If you are blessed with a visit of our escorts to your comfortable hotel room after a hard day´s work, consider it the icing on the cake.

Girls who are able to provide the Girlfriend Experience represent the upper echelons of our industry. Not only are the providers atypical, the clients also are discerning. Our aim is to provide sensual encounters where the client forgets he paid for companionship. In order to create that vibe, our goddesses not only have to be skillful in bed but besides their erotic assets, they have to possess social and cultural capital.

It took us blood, sweat and tears to create this website to our exacting standards but I think in the end our efforts paid off. Let´s embark on a wonderful journey. Let´s erect a counter-weight to the prevailing puritanism. Raise your glass…have an erotic adventure… with a willing partner in the German capital. In one word, experience Daphne´s girlfriend experience in Berlin.

We are open for business! And since last year, the relax industry will be counted as part of Europe´s annual economic performance, or gross domestic product, due to new calculation standards. So everybody who cares for Europe and its economy is invited to splurge when contacting our agency. We hope you have fun.

Lombroso and his sex workers

Prostitution has and always will fascinate people. The number of artists who have been inspired by courtesans is endless. Among the most famous, you can count Toulouse-Lautrec and Picasso. I often avoid telling people I meet for the first time that I am running an escort service in Berlin with a partner, otherwise I have to spend the best part of an hour talking about the relax industry. People think that harlots differ a lot from the average woman. Last time I checked our escorts, they all still had two arms and two legs and if you were to pass them in the street, you would never have thought that they were on the game.

In the 19th century though, we had the Italian Cesare Lombroso who thought otherwise. Apparently not only artists took a particular interest in fallen women. He was convinced that they had certain physiognomic properties. His research took him to police stations, prisons, and madhouses. There he studied the tattoos, cranial capacities, and sexual behaviour of prostitutes and prisoners in order to establish a female criminal type. Does it surprise you that Lombroso came to the conclusion that that criminal women are far more cunning and dangerous than criminal men…

I would lie though if I were to pretend that there is hardly a difference between women who turn tricks and good housewives, although you would be surprised by the number of mothers who have a little secret. Even their partners sometimes don´t know that hidden part of their personality. I don´t know what the old fraud Freud would have made of that? Would he still have come up with his madonna-whore complex? I have to admit though that tattoos and piercings are overrepresented in prostitutes. Some also have a tendency to dress provocatively and have a penchant for loud labels but what really makes the difference is their mind.

I know that this is a truism but that organ really distinguishes the pros from the amateurs. Forget about a high libido, sex-craved nymphos and fornicating erotomanes. As far as I am aware of, prostitution, contrary to homosexuality, never got an entry in the American psychiatric bible DSM.

According to my non-scientific opinion, sex workers have an open mind, like sex and don´t fall easily in love. They are impulsive and like to experiment. Mentally, they have to be tough in order to demarcate their boundaries and master the strong emotions the job provokes. Some do have indeed a low-self-esteem which they try to compensate by being paid for sex. This validates their worth and puts them on a pedestal. This doesn’t mean though that they all suffer from major psycholigical disorders.