“Russian prostitutes are undoubtedly the best in the world!” Vladimir Putin An aspect about my job I welcome, is the diversity of people I come across. A while ago, a client asked me why
Lombroso and his sex workers Prostitution has and always will fascinate people. The number of artists who have been inspired by courtesans is endless. Among the most famous, you can count Toulouse-Lautrec and Picasso. I
Marquess of Queensberry rules In case these rules may be unknown to you, don´t worry, dear reader. You are not alone. I am middle-aged and an avid reader but up until last month, I never
Low life in high heels? I think it was the painter Francis Bacon who pointed out that the high life without the low life is impossible. I don´t know exactly what he meant but since
The myth of heterosexual HIV I am not a fan of Charlie Sheen neither well acquainted with his movies and sit-coms. I do like him though since he admitted using the services of the infamous
The new prostitution law “Abolishing prostitution means kicking away one of the pillars of the social order. It means making marriage impossible. Prostitution serves as a corrective to marriage, and without it, marriage will go
Adam & Eva “Not every woman is a prostitute, but prostitution is the natural apotheosis of the feminine attitude” Georges Bataille When Eva presented Adam the apple, both got expelled from the Garden of Eden
Scarface “What you lookin’ at? You all a bunch of fuckin’ assholes. You know why? You don’t have the guts to be what you wanna be? You need people like me. You need people like
S&M Occasionally, clients enquire if we also offer S&M escort sessions. If the request pertains to hard-core stuff, with a chance of permanent harm and were sometimes a contract is signed between both parties, the
Cabaret, Berlin Dear friends, Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome! This time not to the cabaret but to Daphne´s world. I am telling you ladies and gentlemen, Berlin is back. Not in such a decadent mood as in
European decadence I personally don´t consider paid sex in the higher strata of the profession immoral. When I decided to start Daphne´s with my business partner, what bothered me more was whether it was a
Berlin Woman “A country without bordellos is like a house without bathrooms.” Marlene Dietrich An Italian once told me that the Berlin woman smokes, drinks and cheats like the Italian man. I tend to concur.
The high life Last year, there appeared an article in the New York Times covering Berlin´s emerging high life. The author had as mission to spend $ 2,000 in 24 hours in Germany´s capital, known
Daria In the previous blog entry I wrote about the emerging high life in the German capital. Berlin was always better known though for its low life. When I arrived, rents were cheap and living
La garçonnière “Hypocrisy is a homage that vice pays to virtue” Francois de La Rochefoucauld We sometimes receive inquiries asking whether we have an in-call location. The answer is “no” and will remain negative for
Suspension of Disbelief “Incompetent amateurs have given prostitution a bad name” Camille Paglia I first came across the term “Suspension of Disbelief” in the movie “Basic Instinct” with Sharon Stone and Michael Douglas by Dutch
Helmut Newton A while ago, I went to visit the exhibition “Pages from the Glossies” by the bad boy of photography Helmut Newton at his namesake foundation. The native Berliner established himself in the
“Russian prostitutes are undoubtedly the best in the world!” Vladimir Putin An aspect about my job I welcome, is the diversity of people I come across. A while ago, a client asked me why
Lombroso and his sex workers Prostitution has and always will fascinate people. The number of artists who have been inspired by courtesans is endless. Among the most famous, you can count Toulouse-Lautrec and Picasso. I
Marquess of Queensberry rules In case these rules may be unknown to you, don´t worry, dear reader. You are not alone. I am middle-aged and an avid reader but up until last month, I never
Low life in high heels? I think it was the painter Francis Bacon who pointed out that the high life without the low life is impossible. I don´t know exactly what he meant but since
The myth of heterosexual HIV I am not a fan of Charlie Sheen neither well acquainted with his movies and sit-coms. I do like him though since he admitted using the services of the infamous
The new prostitution law “Abolishing prostitution means kicking away one of the pillars of the social order. It means making marriage impossible. Prostitution serves as a corrective to marriage, and without it, marriage will go
Adam & Eva “Not every woman is a prostitute, but prostitution is the natural apotheosis of the feminine attitude” Georges Bataille When Eva presented Adam the apple, both got expelled from the Garden of Eden
Scarface “What you lookin’ at? You all a bunch of fuckin’ assholes. You know why? You don’t have the guts to be what you wanna be? You need people like me. You need people like
S&M Occasionally, clients enquire if we also offer S&M escort sessions. If the request pertains to hard-core stuff, with a chance of permanent harm and were sometimes a contract is signed between both parties, the
Cabaret, Berlin Dear friends, Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome! This time not to the cabaret but to Daphne´s world. I am telling you ladies and gentlemen, Berlin is back. Not in such a decadent mood as in
European decadence I personally don´t consider paid sex in the higher strata of the profession immoral. When I decided to start Daphne´s with my business partner, what bothered me more was whether it was a
Berlin Woman “A country without bordellos is like a house without bathrooms.” Marlene Dietrich An Italian once told me that the Berlin woman smokes, drinks and cheats like the Italian man. I tend to concur.
The high life Last year, there appeared an article in the New York Times covering Berlin´s emerging high life. The author had as mission to spend $ 2,000 in 24 hours in Germany´s capital, known
Daria In the previous blog entry I wrote about the emerging high life in the German capital. Berlin was always better known though for its low life. When I arrived, rents were cheap and living
La garçonnière “Hypocrisy is a homage that vice pays to virtue” Francois de La Rochefoucauld We sometimes receive inquiries asking whether we have an in-call location. The answer is “no” and will remain negative for
Suspension of Disbelief “Incompetent amateurs have given prostitution a bad name” Camille Paglia I first came across the term “Suspension of Disbelief” in the movie “Basic Instinct” with Sharon Stone and Michael Douglas by Dutch
Helmut Newton A while ago, I went to visit the exhibition “Pages from the Glossies” by the bad boy of photography Helmut Newton at his namesake foundation. The native Berliner established himself in the
Wir haben uns mit der Erstellung des Magazins Mühe gegeben und hoffen, dass es auch Ihnen gut gefallen hat. Wie wäre es nach dieser geistigen Stimulation mit etwas Entspannung für Körper und Seele?